


김병호는 금속과 미디어를 함께 활용해 조각, 설치 작업 등을 하고 있다. 2000년 홍익대학교 미술대학을 졸업하고,

2002년부터 3년간 과학기술부 국가지정연구실 연구원 자격으로 예술공학(Art engineering)을 공부한 뒤 본격적으로 작품 활동을 시작했다. 

그는 전통적인 드로잉 대신 섬세하게 계획된 설계 도면을 갖고 철저히 분업화된 생산시스템 속에서 작품을 만든다. 그는 사회의 시스템 속에서 갈등하는 인간 개인의 정체성에 관심을 가진다. 

동시대 사회 구조와 환경 속에 놓인 현대인의 한 사람으로서 기계적인 정교함과 현혹적으로 아름다운 예술행위를 답습하며 역설적 비판의식을 보여 준다.

(중국 선양 K11 미술관, 2022), (중국 상해 아라리오 갤러리, 2018), (소마미술관, 2010) 등 10차례의 개인전 과 더불어, (송광사, 순천, 2016), (상하이, 중국, 2012), (사치 갤러리, 런던, 2012) 등 100여회의 국내외 단체전에 작품을 선보였다. 
Kim Byoungho uses metal and media to create sculptures and installations. He graduated from Hongik University College of Fine Arts in 2000

and studied Art Engineering for three years from 2002 as a researcher of the National Research Laboratory Program funded

by the South Korean Ministry of Science and ICT before commencing his career as an artist.

Kim produces his works with a fully divided and specialized production system that follows a carefully detailed blueprint prepared in advance instead

of working with rough sketches, as done traditionally. Kim is also interested in the identity of human individuals torn between systems of the society.

As a person living the contemporary age, exposed to contemporary social structures and environments,

he follows and takes on both mechanical exquisiteness and deceptively beautiful artforms, thus demonstrating paradoxical criticism.

Kim has presented his works in 10 solo exhibitions, including The Climax (chi K11 Art Space, Shenyang, China, 2022),

Enchantment (Arario Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2018), and Invisible Object (SOMA Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea, 2010).

He has also participated in more than 100 group exhibitions around the world, including Mediated Memory (Songgwangsa Temple, Suncheon, South Korea, 2016),

Jing’an International Sculpture Project (Shanghai, China, 2012), and Korean Eye (Saatchi Gallery, London, UK, 2012).